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A note in the mailbox will be a reminder that someone cares!

A reminder that You are not alone! 

A little nudge to keep moving forward!

If you know anyone that would benefit from handwritten motivational/encouragement card let us know.

Send a Card

Floral Card

Want to send a card?


Encouragement note

Fill out the form below. Answer few questions and you are all done.

Motivational quote will be mailed to recipients once or twice per month to bring inspiration! 

Want to send a card? Simply fill up this form.

Who you sending to?

Briefly tell us the reason for the card

Is it ok to send cards for the following (check all that apply)*

* All information provided in the form above is confidential.
* If birthday month and day are provided we will send a birthday card as well.
* If card recipient information or status changes please notify us.


Thank you for Submitting!

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